
Website History

A brief summary of how www.vosen.eu and www.vosen.de have developed


From FrontPage (1999) to WordPress (2023)

For almost 25 years I have used FrontPage as the basis for my website www.vosen.de. But now – with change to Windows 11 – it’s really time for new technology.

Therefore I will create my new website www.vosen.eu by by moving piece by piece of the old website to WordPress. It will surely take its time – and some rather static areas might not be moved as well, but only linked.

Until then – as far as still necessary – the contents of the old website are still available.


Here you can find older versions of www.vosen.de and www.vosen.eu stored by Internet Archive Wayback Machine:


For some reason I decided to convert the archive part (Wings News) of this website into a login system. 

If you still want access to those older information, please send me an email with the following information to get the login data:

Subject Wings Archive + „your first name“ + „your last name“ 

Thank you for your feedback and support!


Conversion from http to https


Domain www.vosen.eu activated at www.strato.de


B*-pages removed


Kira started today to create her part of our homepage


FrontPage-Design changed from  „expedition“ to „sumi-painting“


All „Wings“-Pages were/will be updated in regular terms


First „official“ version of my website www.vosen.de started „Welcome to Step Two“ – using Microsoft FrontPage


Domain www.vosen.de activated at www.strato.de – followed by time to find the right software and build up the necessary know-how