Website Search
Hints for searching on vosen.eu and vosen.de
Due to the change from FrontPage to WordPress, the content of vosen.de will gradually be moved to vosen.eu.
All freely accessible content on vosen.eu can be searched using the search field in the blue header of the new website:

Searching via Google is of course also possible. If necessary, the search can be restricted by specifying the website (without prefix www) in the search field:

Some older, static content (e.g. Wings News before 2023) is still hosted on vosen.de and protected by password. Of course, protected pages cannot be searched by Google, so there are searchable copies of these pages without images for Google. E.g. for Wings News from 2015:
protected page with images: https://vosen.de/archiv/wings_news_2015_0106.htm

searchable page without images: https://www.vosen.de/wings_search_news_2015_0106.htm

If there is a need to access the protected pages – e.g. because interest has been aroused by the search results – please send an email to rainbow@vosen.de.