
Wings Abbreviations

For internal use only – List of abbreviations used in my Wings Database

IDunique record number
Updateno change since previous update
Nrecord added since previous update
Urecord changed since previous update
Datee.g. 01.01.2003date of last update for the record
Availabilitystill available
Rjust a rumour until now
Numbernot filled in yet – sorry
item number not available
(e.g. special release)
e.g. 504263item number
e.g. 3557634/THY194Since May 2003 Schuco and StarJets releases have no differences besides a little sticker on the box with the Schuco item number!
All boxes and models wear now the Schuco-StarJets-logo. For these models there is only one record with both numbers in the database 
Editionstandard Herpa release
specialspecial Herpa release
otherall other manufacturers e.g. BigBird, Netmodels, StarJets
Remark??/not sure about this information
+-only for catalogues:
+ with prices
– without prices
ESExclusive Series
gw/bwgrey/black windows
oc/ncold/new color/livery
oe/neold/new engines
oF/nFold/new form/mould
ow/nwold/new windows
SLStar Alliance Logo
standwith display stand
!! ALL Schuco/StarJets and DreamJets/5Stars are delivered with stand !!
Registrationnot filled in yet – sorry
no registration on the mould
Namenot filled in yet – sorry
no name on the mould
Type (Herpa only)not filled in yet – sorry
CWClassic Wings mould
SGClassic Wings mould with scaled gear
NGNew Generation mould (always with scaled gear)
NG2/NG3/…revised New Generation mould (always with scaled gear)
this field is only used for Herpa Wings, but not for StarJets etc.
Enginesnot filled in yet – sorry
(Herpa only)E01 – E*Herpa engine type
EH1 – EH*Hogan engine type
this field is only used for Herpa Wings, but not for StarJets etc.
Engine intakesnot filled in yet – sorry
(Herpa only)diengines with dark intakes
engines without dark intakes
this field is only used for Herpa Wings, but not for StarJets etc.
Gearnot filled in yet – sorry
(Herpa only)G1 – G*Herpa gear type
this field is only used for Herpa Wings, but not for StarJets etc.
Windowsnot filled in yet – sorry
(Herpa only)W1 – W3Herpa window type
this field is only used for Herpa Wings, but not for StarJets etc.
Windowframesnot filled in yet – sorry
(Herpa only)wfwindows with frames
windows without frames 
this field is only used for Herpa Wings, but not for StarJets etc.
Cockpitnot filled in yet – sorry
(Herpa only)wfcockpit with window frames
cockpit without window frames 
this field is only used for Herpa Wings, but not for StarJets etc.
Cargodoorsnot filled in yet – sorry
(Herpa only)cdcargo doors printed on fuselage
no cargo doors printed on fuselage
this field is only used for Herpa Wings, but not for StarJets etc.
Box (Herpa only) (Examples)not filled in yet – sorry
B01black box
B02white box with max. 3 Herpa-logos, „Wings“ printed red or black 
B03white box with min. 4 Herpa-logos, „Wings“ printed black
B04white box with scale specification
some boxes with additional sticker or imprint concerning New Generation
B05industry box, fantasy box
B06all white sample box
B07all white box
B09set box
B10metal box
B11Yesterday box
B12new corporate design,
introduced in 2002
white box with scale specification on the right side
Herpa logo does not contain the word „Wings“
B13Yesterday box
new corporate design,
introduced in 2002
silver box with scale specification on the right side
Herpa logo does not contain the word „Wings“
B14similar to B12, but scale specification has a darker blue background color,
introduced 2004 
B15Yesterday box, similar to B13, but scale specification has a darker blue background color, 
introduced 2004 
B16similar to B14, but straight line separating picture from text below,
introduced 2005 
B17Yesterday box similar to B15, but straight line separating picture from text below, introduced 2006
B18Scenix Series box with large window, introduced 2007
B19Red accessories box with large window, introduced 2008
B20white box, with big window, scale indication on a colored background in the bottom right corner of the front, introduced 2009
B21Yesterday box, silver-gray box, with big window, scale indication on a colored background in the bottom right corner of the front side, six Herpa logos, plus additional Yesterday logos, introduced 2009
B22white and red box, with big window, scale indication on a colored background in the upper right corner of the front, introduced 2012
B23white and red box, Scenix Series box with big window, scale indication on a colored background in the upper right corner of the front, introduced 2013
Tailnot filled in yet – sorry
(Herpa only)Mmetal tail
Pplastic tail
this field is only used for Herpa Wings, but not for StarJets etc.
Belly-Logonot filled in yet – sorry
(Herpa only)MC, MT, MBHerpa engraved logos
L0 – L*Herpa printed logos
this field is only used for Herpa Wings, but not for StarJets etc.
Belly-Sizenot filled in yet – sorry
(Herpa only)5, 6, 9, etc.Belly-Logo Size in mm
this field is only used for Herpa Wings, but not for StarJets etc.
Belly-Colornot filled in yet – sorry
(Herpa only)bl – blue Belly-Logo Color
ga – gray 
go – gold
gr – green 
mf – multicolor
rd – red 
sb – silver 
sw – black 
ws – white
this field is only used for Herpa Wings, but not for StarJets etc.
Cut-outnot filled in yet – sorry
(Herpa only)C1 – smaller cut-outCut-out underneath the fuselage to accept a display stand
       fits for older display stands
C2 – bigger cut-out
      fits for newer display stands
       e.g. 521024
C3 – Zeppelin NT cut-out
—  – no cut-out
this field is only used for Herpa Wings, but not for StarJets etc.
Releasenot filled in yet – sorry
01, 02, 03, …..1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. release of this model. When the model is released in special airline box too, this one is marked with own release numbers 
Picturethis is a link to corresponding pictures